Together, we've struck two big blows against the NDAA legalized kidnapping provisionsGOOD NEWS!Downsize DC Foundation proposed it, you funded it, and we did it. Our attorneys filed the amicus brief in the lawsuit being brought against the Federal State's new legalized kidnapping "law." This can be a powerful case with a great lead plaintiff, Pulitzer Prize winning reporter Chris Hedges.As usual, our brief makes unique arguments. We hope these claims help Mr. Hedges acquire standing, so that his case will go forward and this bad "law" will be overturned.Thanks to everyone who contributed to make this happen. The deadline was tight, but Bill Olson and his team delivered the goods. I'll be sharing more about this soon. Meanwhile, there's more good news . . .WE'VE WON A BIG VICTORYDelegate Bob Marshall of Virginia called me Wednesday night to once again thank Why? Just yesterday, HB 1160 was signed into law!Starting July 1, Virginia officials are prohibited from aiding Federal agents in the kidnapping of American citizens.You played a big part in this. Remember, it looked like we might lose this fight. But you helped bring the victory, and Delegate Marshall asked me to convey his thanks to you.And I want to return the thanks to him for introducing this legislation.I also want to applaud our attorney, Bill Olson, who played a big role in this outcome too. Bill Olson is a great partner, and a big part of our success.NOW . . .We hope you like how we deliver progress and victories. You make our work possible.Right now, is $3,500 short of its budget for April, with only 10 days left. Can you contribute to close the gap?Your support will bring more progress soon.Jim Babka
President, Inc.
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→MedicalConspiracies- Fw: GOOD NEWS, PLUS A BIG VICTORY!
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