There is a secret plan to evacuate Chicago in the event of trouble due to the upcoming NATO summit May 20-21 taking place at McCormick Place (the largest convention center in the United States). The Red Cross in Milwaukee is preparing to shelter Chicagoans if they need to be relocated. A Red Cross email sent out to volunteers, and obtained by CBS 2 News in Chicago, messaged the plan to evacuate residents of Chicago in the event of 'trouble' during the NATO summit in May.
…this conference may create unrest or another national security incident… the American Red Cross in eastern Wisconsin has been asked to place a number of shelters on standby in the event of evacuations from Chicago.
When questioned about the plan, the Red Cross said in a statement "Our direction has come from the city of Chicago and the secret service".
Also of note, the federal government's decision to create a militarized "Red Zone" in the Loop (the commercial center, theater and shopping district of downtown Chicago) and extended throughout the south Loop area often referred to as the federal complex, in the run-up to the NATO summit.
"A lot of us were surprised to read that. Obviously, the federal government doesn't consult with the city when they do this. Everybody was unaware of this," said Host Committee Executive Director Lori Healey, reported from the Chicago Sun-Times.
The plan for "Operation Red Zone" kicks into high gear beginning May 1, "to protect a vast area in the Loop where thousands of federal employees and dozens of government offices are located". The official designated Red Zone is said to be between State-and-Franklin, and Harrison-and-Adams including the financial district according to a report from WGN Chicago.
'Conditioning' the American public?
Potentially the first martial law zone?
Be it over-the-top security, conspiracy, the makings of a False Flag event, the 1st attempt at Martial Law, or the ongoing conditioning of the American public as to the new normal – armed federal troops on our streets – watching you (us) (them - whoever they are…), 'papers please' to get in or out of the zone, it just doesn't feel right. The fact that they fear trouble (military red-zone on U.S. soil, and planning for Chicago evacuation) due to NATO being here, what does that tell you about how people on the street must feel about NATO? Agenda-21 perhaps? Or do they know something that we don't know? Or are they just planting fear in the minds of Americans? I suppose we'll find out in a few weeks…
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